Donate Home Goods

We gratefully accept clean, functional, gently used donations. All donations are processed and go directly to our neighbors in the community—people moving out of homelessness, people struggling with mental health issues, refugees, foster families, and others in crisis or need. We want to provide items that show love and care as these individuals work to turn a space into a home.

All donations are fully tax-deductible, and we provide receipts.

We Cannot Accept

Very LARGE and/or HEAVY items (hide-a beds, refrigerators, ranges, entertainment centers, china cabinets, king mattresses and king linens, carpeting, etc)

TORN upholstered furniture

OUT-OF-DATE items (older televisions, older stereos, car seats

BROKEN furniture or electronics

ALCOHOL-RELATED items (clothing, wine glasses, beer glasses, etc)

Adult clothing

Window treatments (curtains, rods, blinds)

Computers or computer parts

Candles and candle holders

We Happily Accept


• Furniture (sofas, loveseats, upholstered chairs, coffee tables, end tables, floor lamps, table lamps, flat screen televisions)

• Decorative touches (wall art, wall clocks, area rugs, mirrors)


• Furniture (kitchen/dining table, kitchen/dining chairs, kitchen carts

• Small appliances (microwaves, toaster ovens, toasters, food processors, blenders, hand mixers, crock pots, rice cookers, electric grills, coffee pots)

• Items for food preparation (pots, pans, baking trays, glass bakeware/casserole dishes, muffin tins, loaf tins, cutting boards, mixing bowls, measuring cups, wooden spoons, whisks, spatulas, can openers, paring knives, chopping knives, knife blocks, peelers, salt and pepper set)

• Tableware (dinner plates, salad plates, dessert plates, bowls, glasses, cups and saucers, mugs, serving dishes, serving bowls, serving platters, serving trays, forks, knives, spoons, tablecloths, placemats, cloth napkins)

• Items for storage and cleaning (canisters, Tupperware, dishcloths)


• Furniture (mattresses, metal bed frames, dressers, bedside tables, bedside lamps, mirrors)

• Bed Linens (comforters, sheets, pillowcases, pillows, duvets, duvet covers)

• Item for Bathroom (laundry hamper or basket, bath towels, hand towels, washcloths, bath mats, toothbrush holders, soap dishes)

• Items for Hygiene Kits (new toothbrushes, new toothpaste, new shampoo/conditioner, new bars of soap, new razors, new brushes, new deodorant)


• Furniture (bunk beds, toddler beds, cribs, changing tables, kid’s table and chairs, kid’s dressers, kid’s rugs)

• Items for Fun and Learning (toys, books)

• Clothing

• Items for Baby (new bottles, new diapers, blankets, toys, high chairs, baby bathtubs, strollers, car seats, diaper bags)


• Plastic bins

• Irons and ironing boards

• Vacuums

• Buckets, mops, brooms, dust pans

Contact us to Arrange a Donation